10th Jun, 2012
This site now uses cookies
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20th Feb, 2012
XSL Transforms and Namespacing
How to remove the namespace when transforming with XSL
28th Jul, 2011
Google Chrome DNS Cache
Google Chrome has it's own DNS cache which can get you in a pickle if you're a web developer.
13th May, 2011
Find classes marked with an attribute
1st May, 2011
Sending Unicode based HTML emails.
Email is a tricky subject. Even if your server and client supports Unicode, you can't guarantee every server between them does. All it needs is to hop through one 7bit server and your beautiful HTML email is mangled.
14th Jan, 2011
South commands
Quick note for Django South commands:
db django -
15th Oct, 2010
Export/Import mysql data.
To export:
3rd Nov, 2009
What order do filenames go in *NIX?
I find it's easiest to remember the order of filename parameters with the following rule:
Linux UNIX -
17th Aug, 2009
Using Bpython and Django
This looks useful http://proteus-tech.com/blog/code-garden/bpython-django/
28th Jul, 2009
Debugging Django with Komodo IDE
Make sure Komodo IDE is listening for debugging connections (debug menu), then open debug -> listener status and find the port it's listening on.
django snippet